
Update on COVID 19 for weddings and funerals

Good afternoon,

here is a posting from 680 news regarding weddings and funerals in Ontario.


I understand that this is so extraordinary times we are living in. I feel for anyone going through this. My church has had to cancel several special services.

I am here for anyone who needs someone to talk to. Grief is hard enough to go through but to somehow have to cancel a funeral because of having more than 50 people is heartbreaking.

If you are in the Midland, Ontario area and you have no one to do a funeral for your loved one. As long as safety precautions are there, I will do it for you. I have my name at the funeral homes in Midland, but you can always give them my number if they don’t.

I will be reaching out to the funeral homes again. If you are wanting a wedding, here is an option. As long as you have your license, follow the washing, haven’t traveled rule, you can come to my home, I will marry you in the back yard or down at the bay.

You can reach me at 705-937-1023 or email me at loriegonta@gmail.com.

Blessings for all as we deal with this unusual situation.

Rev. Lorie