
Happy Ground hog day!

Today, February 2, 2020, is ground hog day and as every February 2nd, in Wiarton Ontario, they bring out Willie to see if he sees his shadow or not. Well today he didn’t see it and that means in ground hog land, an early spring.

I have had the pleasure to see one of the many Wiarton Willies. We made a day trip to Wiarton to see him. I believe it was two summers ago and then shortly after we went there, they announced his passing but would be replaced with another heir to the throne.

I honestly thought they would really try to cash in on him all year round but nope looks like only one day of the year. I was disappointed as well as not to be able to buy any souvenirs of our visit.

A very long time ago, I dog sat for a fellow co-worker when the couple went to compete in a race up there. For looking after her puppies (they were older but all dogs are puppies to me) she brought me home a Wiarton Willie. It was in a plastic case and was adorable.

So we reached another year with the rodent and his weather predictions, now lets see if he actually was correct. Well, I will give him this, no matter how you look at it, in six weeks it is spring.

Well have a wonderful day, and for those who are watching the superbowl tonight, I hope your team wins.


Rev. Lorie