
Feeling blessed

Good afternoon,

Today being Saturday January 25,  2020, this was my day to go to the Senior’s Residence to do their 10:30 workout. I carefully and I mean carefully came out the house to go. Walking with my yak traks on my shoes because it had been raining all night and made the snow icy.

Mike followed me out to the car because I am the most klutsy person ever to walk. I take after my mother in that way. However if she was still here, she would disagree. Even my friends would disagree, after all they have seen me fall off a rug while sitting on it. Yes, I have done that.

So, once I was in the car safely, started it up and got ready to rock and roll as I would say. It was still raining and snowing, and as  I sit and write this, the snow is coming down in big flakes. Thankfully it is wet snow as the temperature is getting warm. It is 3 celsius.

As I was driving and listening to the radio, I felt really good today. Earlier this week, I had the stomach bug and literally stayed in bed for three days. I was getting myself prepared to do the workout. Now it isn’t a strenuous workout, but one to the get the blood flowing.

This morning I had two ladies so it was more intimate. It lacks something and that is music to do the workout. But that is going to be remedied. The two ladies this morning, Edith (I think) and Margaret, they were waiting for me. So I made the announcement for the residents who wanted to come and workout.

Along the way while I was getting ready, I saw more walking around, Howard was talking to another gentleman who I see come and visiting another resident.

We did the workout and I started to read poetry to Margaret but she wasn’t feeling well as she had just come out of the hospital. So, she went to go lay down. On my way to check out, I saw Howard sitting having a coffee in the coffee corner. This retirement home has a wonderful set up. Lounge and coffee corner, huge dining room, they have a theatre room along with a craft room. Game room and library.

So I waved to Howard and started to talk to him. I stood talking to him and we laughed. I asked if I could sit down and join him and he said of course. He was my first person at the service I do there on every other Wednesdays. His theory is, if I took the time to do a service, the right thing to do is come and listen to me.

Sitting with the residents and talking to them, I have learned so much about life. Howard told me today that he has been putting paper fish on the pictures. I said to him, I wondered who put the fish there. Now he is looking to put a seagull there. He had a sea turtle on it as well. He was changing positions for the fish and turtle. I will try and find a picture of a seagull and make some and the two of us can put them everywhere.

Many of the residents love to sit and just chat. Like I have said, I have learned so much about myself listening to them. One lovely lady, Carmel, I love her name. She is such a cutie. She comes to my services. The last one I did before I was sick, Carmel sat and talked to me. We talked for about an hour and a half and she told me so many things about her life. She said, we were to meet and I was to tell you my story. She wanted to go to her room before dinner and get ready. We hugged each other and I will go and see her this week.

Helen and I have a lot on common. We love rabbits. She has a collection of stuffed rabbits and her fave is Peter Rabbit. I told her about my Benny and Brooklyn. If they were better behaved rabbits, I would take them to visit the residents.

Each and every time I go there, I learn something about them and about myself. I truly feel blessed that I get to go there weekly and see them. They are lovely people and so interesting. If you have ever wanted to do any type of volunteering, I urge you to go to a seniors residence and volunteer. You will get so much out of it.

This just started out to keep me busy but it has turned into my ministry. Several of the ladies have said they would love to see me do a full mass once I become a Priest. I told her maybe I will talk to Amanda and see if I could do one. They are supportive of my choice in my religion and they love asking me about it.

They ask what church, where is it, do I help out at other churches for services. They love singing the old hymns which I have to find good music for it to sing along with.

Again, they have truly been angels for me. They will never know how much they have helped me. How much love they have brought to me. I have lots of love but they have given me tons more. Again, I can’t stress enough how lucky I am and blessed for this. Call your local residence and sign up to volunteer.

Have a blessed day!

Rev. Lorie