
I Am Back Volunteering….

Well on September 2, 2020, I went back to volunteering at the Seniors Residence, King Place here in Midland Ontario. It has been a very long time since I was there last.

We figured it out after the service I did at 10:30 am that it has been since March. For me that is a lifetime as I really enjoy my time there. I am back every two weeks doing a service.

That is fine, I can deal with that. It just feels good. I miss the Ladies and Gentlemen there. There is one bad habit that I must break. That is saying “You guys.” I don’t mean it but it just comes out. That I will practice now that I am going there again.

The other thing is getting use to the protocol. Sanitizing your hands before and after, although, it was there prior to this. Wearing a mask up to the building to remove it and put a fresh one on. Having my temperature checked before and after then tossing the mask out when I leave. This I assume will be the new norm for a very long time.

It was great seeing some of my regulars, like Howard, Helen and Carmel. Funny how you meet people and you have a great time with them and when you can’t see them, you miss them terribly. There are others that I miss but I am hoping to see again soon. Like Margaret. Lovely lady, always dressed just so.

On a sadder note, one of my regulars from the service and my Saturday exercise group passed away in June. I just found out when her son emailed me to ask if I would like to say a few words at the small service they are having at Little Lake this month.

Evelyn Merritt was a lovely lady. She was never miserable. Always had a smile on her face, thanked me for what ever I did for her. My service, the work out. As a matter of fact, she was always the first one at the dining room for the workouts on Saturday morning. She had her spot, and her chair and it never moved from there. She did have sight problems but she never let that stop her with working out.

She will be missed by her family and friends. She did love her family and always talked warmly about them. I look forward to meeting the family and sharing my stories with them.

So for now, the volunteers are only allowed in during the week, as they (volunteer co-ordinator) can’t keep an eye on us as they don’t work the weekend. That like I said is fine, I am just happy to be back.

If you are looking for a place to volunteer, I suggest a seniors residence. Not only are they fun but you can learn so much about them and their lives and also learn about you.

Till next time, keep the faith.


Rev. Lorie