
Ash Wednesday…Beginning of Lent…Why I am not giving anything up for Lent this year!

That is correct, this year I am not giving anything up for Lent. No giving up on coffee, sweets, junk food, nothing like that. I am, however, going to do something different for Lent this year. I am calling this my reverse Lent.

This year, I am going to do something. That is correct. I am going to pray the rosary every day. I should be doing that every day of the year, but I got lax over Christmas and I thought Lent is a good time to start again. I am also going to read the bible every day. I will read something different every day. From the Old Testament, the new testament, Psalms, whatever I turn the page to that day.

In the beginning, I told you some of the things that I have given up in the past. This year I was reading a post that turned the light bulb in my head. Instead of giving something up, why not do something instead. Now, seeing as we are still in the worldwide bug situation, my volunteering has stopped for the most part. I am still doing some things for Hospice.

Over Christmas, I did write some letters to some seniors and an animal shelter. It may seem silly to some, why would you waste time sending a senior a letter or for that fact an animal. We all know someone all alone in the world. No family nearby. For them, the latter years are distressing enough without feeling abandoned. With the worldwide bug at hand, they feel even more isolated. As for the animals, those who know me would understand best. For me, an animal has as much soul and feelings and understanding as a human. Okay, they may not understand what is being read to them but they do enjoy the company. There was an article where children go to a shelter to sit with the dogs and read to them. The animals get attention and affection and the children improve their reading.

It is a win-win situation for all. The animals feel less stressed and lonely and the children improve their reading.

It is fine to give up your chocolate and coffee and sweets and treats, by all means, do what you want for your Lent. This year I am just offering a different Lent for myself.


Happy Ash Wednesday. Many blessings.


Rev. Lorie