
Road Trips

Good morning!

This summer, I am taking the time to go on some sightseeing tours. As some of you may know, I worked at the Martyr Shrine in Midland, Ontario, for one summer and loved it. The staff was amazing.

I have not been back since. I was too busy doing weddings during the times they were open. Yes, they are open seven days a week during that time, but I lost time preparing for weddings, church sermons, and funerals.

Well, this year, I am making time. I am going to the Shrine and other places you might find interesting and fun. I was hoping to get to Maryslake Shrine, but they are closed for renovation.

I am also going to be putting these trips on my YouTube channel, which is simply Lorie Gonta. So stay tuned as we ramp up the fun. I will notify you when I upload to my channel. So when you do go there, like and subscribe. It will help me increase my viewership.

I appreciate everyone who subscribes. I will also be featuring my rosaries here again. They are for sale, along with my angel charms.

Have a blessed day! Now for coffee, it is just coming up to 4 am, and I have already accomplished a great deal.
