
Check in

Good morning, I thought it was time to do a check in. I have been busy trying to establish not only a Podcast on Podbean, which is called Coffee-time with Lorie but also a Youtube channel of the same name. I also have another Youtube channel called Lorie Gonta. This is where I have my rosaries, and will do the road trips that are more on a religious tone. Like going to the Martyrs’ Shrine here in Midland.

I would also love to be able to interview some Sisters/Nuns/Priests or other church people for their prospective of life. I will be doing some interviews with couples who have been married for over 40 years to find out the secret to their long marriage and why marriages don’t seem to last now a days. I may interview some newlyweds as well to find out how they plan to keep their marriage going with God in their lives.

Finally, as many know, I am a Priest with the Community Catholic Church and it is an online church. We don’t have a brick and mortar building, however, if you wish a home service or communion, I am able to do that for you.

I also invite you to come and join the services I do at Atherley and Brechin United Church. At one point, I attended the United Church and for me, it was like coming home even though I am Catholic. I am currently writing a book on my faith journey and hope to be finished that soon. Both these churches are lovely and the people are warm and friendly. After the service at Brechin, we go and have fellowship in the kitchen. Coffee, tea and lots and I mean lots of sweets and treats.

I have had the pleasure of celebrating at the 125 and 135 anniversaries for both churches. Atherley service starts at 9:30 am and Brechin at 10:45 am…address for Atherley is: 46 Balsam Road in Ramara, Ontario and Brechin is: 3252 Ramara Road 47. Brechin, Ontario. The photo showing is that of the Brechin congregation on their 135th anniversary.

We would love to see you there!

Rev. Lorie