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    car troubles on a Sunday morning

    Well, I started out great this morning. Got in the car early, got my cd player working, turned the car on, pulled out and started to drive to my first church service of the day, and bam, engine light is on. I have had engine lights come on before and actually drove the car after it being checked out a billion times by a Toyota dealership in Toronto and then my mechanic up here. I was told that it was ok to drive with it on. They couldn’t figure out the problem as it seemed to elude everyone. So, I…

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    Sung Benediction

    After every service at the churches I preach at, they sing the final benediction. It is a lovely benediction and they sing it to the tune of Edelweiss. So as you are reading it, sing it in your head. I love this: May the Lord Mighty God bless and keep you forever. Grant you peace, perfect peace, courage in every endeavour. Lift your eyes and see his face, He will leave you never. May the Lord, Mighty God, bless and keep you forever.  And as it say, may the Lord bless and keep you forever. Lorie  

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    Words of Assurance

    This is also part of my services I do at the United Church. I love this one as well. I am not sure where I got this from but is either from the former Minister Robin or my Archbishop Deb. God never washes God’s hand of us. God is faithful with us through trouble and healing us in grief. When we’ve failed, we have a shoulder to cry on and a voice to help guide us. Our judge is also our hope and God never gives up.  God is there for us if we want  to accept him. I invite…

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    Prayer of Confession from the Church of Scotland

    As some of you know, I preach at the United Church as they don’t have a permanent minister. I share the duties with a few other Ladies. I do enjoy going there and preaching. In the service I do, there is a part for the Invitation to Confession. I absolutely love this and I would like to share it with you. We come before you aware that all of us fall short of your glory, we all make mistakes. We all struggle to love like Jesus. We often hurt one another-sometimes deliberately, sometimes by accident. God of deep forgiveness hear…

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    Check in

    Good morning, I thought it was time to do a check in. I have been busy trying to establish not only a Podcast on Podbean, which is called Coffee-time with Lorie but also a Youtube channel of the same name. I also have another Youtube channel called Lorie Gonta. This is where I have my rosaries, and will do the road trips that are more on a religious tone. Like going to the Martyrs’ Shrine here in Midland. I would also love to be able to interview some Sisters/Nuns/Priests or other church people for their prospective of life. I will…

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    Road Trips

    Good morning! This summer, I am taking the time to go on some sightseeing tours. As some of you may know, I worked at the Martyr Shrine in Midland, Ontario, for one summer and loved it. The staff was amazing. I have not been back since. I was too busy doing weddings during the times they were open. Yes, they are open seven days a week during that time, but I lost time preparing for weddings, church sermons, and funerals. Well, this year, I am making time. I am going to the Shrine and other places you might find interesting…

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    Rest In Peace Vicar General – Bishop Jean

    On April 5, 2024, my church lost the second in command: our Vicar-General, Bishop Jean. She was a retired school teacher but also taught in our church. Many remember her as a counsellor, healing them when needed with her words of comfort. Some remember her as the person we answered to in our church over many matters. She was one of the teachers who taught us many things (especially homilies) in our pursuit of being a priest in our church. Like I said, Jean was many things to many people, but she was also a wife, sister, stepmother, family member,…

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    5th Sunday of Lent

    “Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me.” As we enter the fifth week of Lent, we are getting closer to Holy Week and the Crucifixion of our Lord. Over the past five weeks, we may have struggled with our Lenten duties, and some of us may not have made it up to now. To some people, this may show our human weaknesses and failings. However, to God, it shows our love and striving to follow Jesus. St. Francis…