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    Matthew 7 7:12

      Ask, Seek, Knock “Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who ask will receive, and anyone who seeks will find, and the door will be opened to those who knock. Would any of you who are fathers give your son a stone when he asks for bread? Or would you give him a snake when he asks for a fish? As bad as  you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give…

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    Death Cafes

    Some of you may have heard the term Death Café and wondered what it was. To be honest the first time I heard it, I immediately thought you grieve and sit around and hear sad things. I went to my first Death Café in the later part of 2019. It was a wet, cold windy night. We met at a local coffee shop that I had been dying (pardon the pun) to try. This was sponsored by Hospice Huronia up here. They are in Penetanguishene but service the area. So most of us admitted to being curious as to what…

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    Bible Verses

    Good evening I am starting a hopefully a daily bible verse. I am starting off at whatever the I open up at the bible. Sometimes it works out great for me and even I need to hear that message. Today’s verse is from The Song of Solomon, verse 8 5:14 Homecoming 5. Who is that coming up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? Under the apple tree I awakened you. There your mother was in labor with you, there she who bore you was in labor. 6. Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon…

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    Happy Ground hog day!

    Today, February 2, 2020, is ground hog day and as every February 2nd, in Wiarton Ontario, they bring out Willie to see if he sees his shadow or not. Well today he didn’t see it and that means in ground hog land, an early spring. I have had the pleasure to see one of the many Wiarton Willies. We made a day trip to Wiarton to see him. I believe it was two summers ago and then shortly after we went there, they announced his passing but would be replaced with another heir to the throne. I honestly thought they…

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    Feeling blessed

    Good afternoon, Today being Saturday January 25,  2020, this was my day to go to the Senior’s Residence to do their 10:30 workout. I carefully and I mean carefully came out the house to go. Walking with my yak traks on my shoes because it had been raining all night and made the snow icy. Mike followed me out to the car because I am the most klutsy person ever to walk. I take after my mother in that way. However if she was still here, she would disagree. Even my friends would disagree, after all they have seen me…

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    My Ordination into the Diaconate

    January 19, 2020 I have to admit that I am pretty lucky and blessed. I have been able to follow my hearts desire by finally becoming a Deacon within a church. As you know I was ordained a Deacon into the Community Catholic Church of Canada on June 9, 2019. My husband Mike and my friend and fellow Deacon, Rev. Shari (she is now a Priest) were my sponsors. It is funny as Mike is not religious at all. To be honest I was surprised that he came with me. I wasn’t really expecting but so happy that he did.…

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    Good day and welcome to St. Veronica’s website. You will find information about my parish, St. Veronica. You will also find information on my services being a Funeral Officiant and doing Baptisms. Eventually I will have a store online selling my rosaries and yes I do make them myself and other items like prayer shawls. I do a blog as well and hoping that I can incorporate my youtube channel and eventually my radio blog talk to my page so I am looking to do good things with this website and hope you enjoy visiting. Also, I am a Wedding…